Rush 24/7 Morning Update: More Hate
RUSH: First Jussie Smollett and now this. You know, these days, hate crimes seem to be running into problems.
RUSH: First Jussie Smollett and now this. You know, these days, hate crimes seem to be running into problems.
RUSH: Donald Trump was not going to alter our trade status and negotiation position with the ChiComs just to get a deal with the Norks.
RUSH: I thought the most outrageous part of the Cohen hearing yesterday was his closing statement.
RUSH: I firmly stand with Donald Trump and those he is attempting to defeat.
RUSH: Do you know the last time something like this happened, by the way? That's exactly right, Mr. Snerdley. Ronaldus Magnus walking away from Mikhail Gorbachev at Reykjavik.
RUSH: Michael Cohen, on two different occasions, two different answers, totally exonerated Trump on Russia collusion!
RUSH: We dug something out from the archives, from the Grooveyard of Forgotten Sound Bites.
RUSH: This Tlaib woman, she doesn't think there's gonna be any pushback because she's a leftist and she's a woman and she can say this stuff.
RUSH: Remember when I endorsed Clinton? They bought it!
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: A middle-school teacher in Atlanta is out of a job because what happened in the classroom, didn’t stay in the classroom.
RUSH: You can go anywhere else today and you can listen to or watch the testimony of Michael Cohen… but the only place you can find out what to think about it is right here.
RUSH: Here is Mark Green. He is a Republican from Tennessee, a member of the committee, and he gave a great overview of this circus, essentially saying that Cohen is a fake witness.
CALLER: I'm so proud of him for fighting day after day after day.
RUSH: I believe that they're gonna overdo this, these congressional committees with their singular focus of trying to portray Trump as a reprobate criminal that has gotta be impeached.
RUSH: There are so many contradictions here.
RUSH: I think it's already falling apart on 'em.
RUSH: When you get right down to it, it is things like this that the Democrat Party is really targeting.
CALLER: I'm a Holocaust survivor, one of the last Holocaust survivors still alive.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.