
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

You’ve Got to Keep the Faith

RUSH: We elected him precisely to oppose and stop what we are all having to put up with right now — fraud, deceit, cheating, anti-Americanism, un-Americanism.

The Russians Are Back on ABC News!

RUSH: Now that Trump supporters are demanding that there be some fairness, all of a sudden the Russians are back. It's amazing how that works.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Papers Please?

RUSH: In Michigan, customers of legitimate businesses are now being required to "show their papers" to the business owners, who have been deputized against their will to act as law enforcement agents of the state.

We Play by the Rules and They Don’t

RUSH: We want to play by the rules because we want every victory, every win to be legitimate. We don't want a phony win. We don't want to have to win the way Democrats do.

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