Why Trump’s Behaving the Way He Is with Obama and in Interviews Nov 14, 2016RUSH: Let’s start with the Trump meeting with Obama in the White House and going out of his way to...
We Do Not Need to Escape Earth Because of Global Warming Nov 14, 2016RUSH: Oh, here’s a story: “Record Global Cooling Over the Last Eight Months.”...
Mexican-American Voter: I Tell Everyone I Voted Trump! Nov 14, 2016RUSH: Marissa in Long Beach, California. Glad you waited. Great to have you here...
Eight Years Later, Liberals Admit They Knew What I Meant When I Said, “I Hope He Fails” All Along Nov 14, 2016RUSH: Now, as we established last week, the Democrats are still seething over my saying back on...
Caller Thanks Rush for Giving the Truth About Trump Nov 14, 2016RUSH: We have Kelly in Yuba City, California. I remember once doing a remote broadcast from Yuba...
Reaction to Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon Picks Nov 14, 2016RUSH: Reince Priebus is going to be the new chief of staff in the Trump White House, and Steve...
I’d Tell President-Elect Trump to Yank Every Dime of Federal Funding from Cuomo, De Blasio, and Anyone Else Ignoring Immigration Law Nov 14, 2016RUSH: From the UK Daily Mail: “Governor Andrew Cuomo Takes a Stand Against Trump and...
Obama and Hillary Must Shut Down Their Riots Nov 14, 2016RUSH: I tell you what I would do, and I would have already done it, but since it isn’t done...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Nov 14, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Yes, Trump will have broad power to crack down on immigration •...
Pearls of Wisdom Nov 14, 2016“My prediction is that when all of the votes are counted, we’re going to find that a...
Morning Update: Lie In It! Nov 14, 2016Get this Washington Post headline: “Trump Will Have Vast Powers. He Can Thank Democrats for...