
Rush Limbaugh

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Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Rubbing SALT

RUSH: Four states — New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maryland — sued! They argued Congress had no right to limit state and local tax deductions.

Michael Bloomberg Can’t Be This Stupid

RUSH: Nobody is this stupid to think communism is the equivalent of democratic or representative republican freedom. That's exactly what he's saying there. 

The Torch Says Biden Is Toast

RUSH: That's the Ukraine oil executive, the Burisma guy, on the left — and that's Biden and his son on the right!

Who Leaked to the Whistleblower?

RUSH: Who passed the information on to the whistleblower? Who are they? How did they get these positions in the White House?

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

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