Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Annoying
RUSH: Crazy Bernie's campaign staff does not think their guy is getting a fair shake from the Drive-By Media. Again.
RUSH: Crazy Bernie's campaign staff does not think their guy is getting a fair shake from the Drive-By Media. Again.
RUSH: There's obviously a sentiment for pushback out there that people want to get in on.
RUSH: The Washington elite, Republicans and Democrats both, still have not taken the time to try to figure Donald Trump out.
RUSH: They're gonna all end up marginalized like Kasich or McCain or Mitt Romney.
RUSH: The Democrat Party is the number one hate group in the country, followed by the Drive-By Media.
RUSH: The bottom line here is he's calling them out on who they are and what they've said. That's all he's doing.
RUSH: There were 16 normal Republicans that sought the nomination in 2016. Not a single one of them came close to winning.
RUSH: It makes every bit of sense in the world that this would be a fever-pitched battle. The stakes are too high.
RUSH: You don't want them targeting you, coming after you, focusing on you, your family or whatever.
RUSH: One of the theories I have about Trump singling out The Squad is that he is attempting to unify the Democrats with these four becoming the face, if you will.
RUSH: The fear of video streaming is filtering through our young people, the fear of using their computers is causing the destruction of the planet.
RUSH: You want documentation here? You get documentation. We don't just make it up.
RUSH: How come nobody in the Drive-By Media has noticed that a 64-year-old Antifa member tried to firebomb an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, Washington?
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.