
Rush Limbaugh

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Trump Campaign Demands Wisconsin Recount

RUSH: The Trump campaign has now made it official, demanding a recount in Wisconsin because there are more votes that have been counted than there are registered voters in Wisconsin.

Frank Luntz Blames Us!

RUSH: My goodness, folks. Holy smithereens. Now they're blaming the customer again. They're blaming you because they can't find a way to get you to tell them the truth.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Threats

RUSH: In blue cities across the country, business owners boarded up their establishments, afraid of Democrat violence if the election doesn't go the way local activists want.

The Pure Jealousy of the Never Trumpers

RUSH: It really is amazing that these guys, not just abandoned Trump, but they joined the anti-American Democrat Party in support of Joe Biden.

The Democrat Party Doesn’t Deserve to Win

RUSH: After the cheating and after the unfairness, after the lying, after all of the character assassination they've engaged in with Donald Trump, they do not deserve to win.

Rush Talks to Donald Trump Jr.

TRUMP JR.: Everyone has to get out and vote. I don't want to take anything for granted. Who knows what happens… So let's run up the score.

The Danger We Face If Trump Loses

RUSH: In 1992 and '93 with Bill Clinton, I did tell everybody, "The sun's gonna come up. It's gonna be a great day." I was not as fearful then about the American left as I am today.

My Definition of Capitalism

RUSH: So, I got an email. "Rush, could you say something besides 'capitalism'? You have to understand people have been trained to hate the word. People have been trained to oppose the word."

All Eyes on Pennsylvania

RUSH: Republican poll watchers are being kicked out of Philadelphia polling places. The same thing is happening in Pittsburgh.

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