Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Why They’re Bad?
RUSH: Healthcare isn’t about health at all. It’s class warfare: taking money from successful, productive achievers and spreading it around to as many people as possible for votes and political power.
RUSH: Healthcare isn’t about health at all. It’s class warfare: taking money from successful, productive achievers and spreading it around to as many people as possible for votes and political power.
RUSH: I'm waiting for what Trump decides to on the Paris climate change accords this week. I hope… I hope he stays out of it, withdraws.
RUSH: If she'd have walked out, Ken Starr would have had his number one witness. It would have destroyed the Democrat Party. That's why they owe her. That's why she knows they owe her. That's why '08 ticked her off so much when they went and got Obama instead of her. That's why she's still bitter. Don't doubt me.
RUSH: Germany has the fourth strongest GDP in the world, economy. And for her to stand up in a beer hall in Munich and say that Germany and Europe must now stand up and take care of themselves, that is a victory, that is a massive Trump victory!
RUSH: The circle car magnet is not for purchase in the EIB Store. It is a premium for new subscribers is what it is. So if you subscribe to and The Limbaugh Letter, the full boat package — or just Rush 24/7 — then that’s the gift that you get.
RUSH: Somebody asked over the weekend, "What is the latest great product from Apple?" I found the question interesting.
RUSH: There's no question they Photoshopped it. They've added a little hair and combed it or made it look like it's combed and the eyes look a little brighter and more focused than in the real mug shot. Now, this should not surprise anybody.
RUSH: I don't understand how people don't get that it's not just the Democrats in Washington that are roadblocking Trump.
RUSH: Pajama boys don't think this way. You don't want to scare people. That's bullying! Mattis is gonna be portrayed as a bully, as a meany, as insensitive and not concerned with people.
RUSH: The reason for celebrating all of these minorities — women, African-Americans, pick your minority — who do something that hasn't been done by somebody in that group before? The media goes nuts. It's one of the greatest things in the world! At the root of that is that America's unjust, that America is unfair, and that America discriminates, and that America is biased and bigoted and whatever.
RUSH: In the case of Jared Kushner, they write that he's not even a target, that he's not even a person of interest. He's none of this. It's just a made-up narrative.
RUSH: Snerdley just asked me if I heard the report that three leakers have been found. That was ten days ago the first time I saw that.
RUSH: All of these designers saying they refused to dress Melania because of the pig she was married to? … All of these hoity-toity elitist designers are now thinking they may have missed the boat because Melania looks so good in Dolce & Gabbana and Melania is so revered and loved overseas.
RUSH: My narrative is — and the facts support this narrative — American voters saved this country as we know it. My narrative is that Barack Obama was the one using intelligence agencies to spy on Americans. Barack Obama was the guy setting up back-channel communication links to the Iranians in order to do the prelude to a nuke deal that allows the Iranians to eventually have nuclear weapons.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.