The Clueless, Blind Hack Stephanie Cutter Blames Romney for Making Libya an Issue Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Mitt Romney is all over the regime and Libya. Here he is this afternoon in Richmond,...
Must Read: Andy McCarthy’s “Spring Fever” Oct 12, 2012RUSH: In the last couple days I’ve been talking about books that I think you should get, Steve...
Private Citizen Buys Airtime to Do Job Mainstream Media Refuses to Do Oct 12, 2012RUSH: There’s a video, folks. It’s clear as a bell. Have you heard — we’ve got the audio...
Flashback: JFK’s 1962 Speech Advocating Tax Cuts Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Now, last night in the debate, Paul Ryan made reference to the fact that his tax plan is no...
El Rushbo Channels “Old Joey” on Abortion Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Here we have proof that even the Drive-By Media realizes that Joey was a debacle. From the...
Another Lie: Biden Voted for Both Wars Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Old Joey last night in the debate told another whopper. Yesterday, the vice president of the...
Young People Turned Off by Biden’s Act? Oct 12, 2012RUSH: They’re doing a little deal on Fox, they got their polling guy out there saying, “You...
Our Country Deserves Better Leadership Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, Obama started a war in Libya. This idea that Jay Carney just...
Biden’s Infuriating Benghazi Lies Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Something that we spoke about yesterday quite extensively, and that is the security...
Polling Data Breaking Big Toward Mitt Oct 12, 2012RUSH: Let’s look at a little polling data. Romney is now up seven in Virginia. A new poll from...
Mean Joe: The Face of the Democrat Party Oct 12, 2012RUSH: You know what I was told earlier today, and actually last night, but mostly this morning? I...