Obama Gives Standard Stump Speech at George W. Bush’s Portrait Unveiling May 31, 2012RUSH: They’re unveiling the portraits of President Bush and Laura Bush right now at the White...
Romney Campaigns to Win: Refuses to Repudiate Supporters; Holds Surprise Photo-Op at Solyndra May 31, 2012RUSH: This is CNN: “Mitt Romney made a surprise campaign stop today at the shuttered...
Why Would Obama Worry About History? May 31, 2012RUSH: Robert in Effingham, Illinois. Great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.CALLER:...
Abortion and Sex Selection May 31, 2012RUSH: Have you been following this sex-selection abortion business? My sense here is that this is...
Scott Walker vs. Barack Obama May 31, 2012RUSH: Matthews, North Carolina. Hi, Neil. Great to have you with us. Hello.CALLER: Hey, Rush, how...
If It’s Thursday… We Have Revised Jobless Numbers May 31, 2012RUSH: We’ve got new unemployment news, by the way. It’s Thursday, and what does that mean? It...
Axelrod Heckled in Boston May 31, 2012RUSH: First quarter economic growth was revised downward to 1.9%. Corporate profits had the worst...
News from the Fat Front: Exercise Bad for Some; Once Fat, Always Fat; Doomberg Moves to Ban Large Sugary Drinks May 31, 2012RUSH: Can exercise be bad for you? This is another great story, folks. We have find out through...
Caller: Bain Built My Company May 30, 2012RUSH: George in Big Piney, Wyoming. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Whittaker Chambers Made Sense for the Medal of Freedom May 30, 2012RUSH: Jerry in Cookeville, Tennessee, you’re next. Hello.CALLER: Hey. Thank you, Rush. You know...
Reprehensible Holder Scares Black Voters May 30, 2012RUSH: The Attorney General, Eric Holder — and the IRS and the liberal lawyers at the ACLU...
Trump Blasts Blitzer on Birther Interview May 30, 2012RUSH: Back to this Trump business. You know, the cable networks are running headlines, something...
Spokeskid Carney Struggles to Explain the Difference Between Bain and Solyndra May 30, 2012RUSH: Somehow a bit of journalism ended up being practiced in the White House press briefing. They...
Media Begs Mitt to Denounce Trump, Rush May 30, 2012RUSH: Okay. So President Obama gives the highest honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, to a...
Obamaville Steals Your Prime Years May 30, 2012RUSH: Washington Post with a story today. And here’s the headline: “Job Recovery Is Scant...
It’s the Little Things: Obama Insults Poland, Awards Medal of Freedom to Socialist Icons May 30, 2012RUSH: It’s the little things.Polish Americans, Polish people are angry. They’re angry at Barack...
Texas Twofer: Tea Partier Forces Runoff; Obama-Backed Congressman Loses Primary May 30, 2012RUSH: Former Texas solicitor general and Tea Party favorite Ted Cruz did indeed get enough votes...
Why the Left Denigrates the Military May 29, 2012RUSH: Here’s Ralph in the Jersey Shore. Ralph, thank you for waiting. It’s great to have you here....
Photos from TIBT Contest Winners May 29, 2012RUSH: I want to share with you an e-mail that we got at TwoIfByTea. This has been such a rewarding...
While We Thrive, Liberal Media Fails May 29, 2012RUSH: Folks, I need to talk about something here. I’m always uncomfortable talking about this, and...