TIME: Eat Bugs, Save the Planet Jun 2, 2008RUSH: More global warming absurdity at TIME Magazine. They have a video at TIME.com on how to cook...
Will Media Poll Kennedy’s Cancer? Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Senator Kennedy in the hospital this morning, brain surgery at Duke University, started at...
Barack Obama Can’t Quit the Church, Because Barack Obama Is the Church Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Now, Obama has quit his church. And we’re going to get to Operation Chaos in just a second....
Operation Chaos Rips Apart DNC; Democrats Want the Clintons Gone Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Back to the audiotape, the archives from this program. This is me, May 22nd, talking about...
What About McCain-Clinton Ticket? Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Nick in Salt Lake City, nice to have you on the program. Hello.CALLER: Rush, despite our...
Why Don’t Women Blame Hillary? Jun 2, 2008RUSH: This is Saturday in Washington, Andrea Mitchell, after the rules and bylaws committee...
Pfleger: Exit Strategy for Obama Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Back to the phones we go here on the EIB Network, Rush Limbaugh to Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is...
Obama ’07: Iraq Surge Won’t Work Jun 2, 2008RUSH: Obama. We were talking about Iraq and the surge, and ‘it doesn’t work,’ and my...
Rush’s Morning Update: Stung! June 3, 2008 Jun 2, 2008Rush’s Morning Update: Stung!June 3, 2008Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
New EIB Sponsor: Jos. A. Bank Jun 2, 2008RUSH: As you know, we always give a hearty welcome to brand-new sponsors on the EIB Network, and...