
Rush Limbaugh

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Inside Bill Maher’s Demented Mind

RUSH: This is Bill Maher's mind, and they try to pass this off as, "This is the kind of people Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump are." It's not. It's the kind of guy Bill Maher is. This is the stuff in Bill Maher's mind, not in Ivanka's mind.

Caller: Thank You, Rush, for Finally Getting the GOP Off Their Butts

RUSH: It was after the budget deal debacle and I said, "If this is what voting Republican gets, why do we need to ever vote Republican?" Because the Democrats won most of that budget deal. You think raising that point might have influenced the vote on the Obamacare repeal and replace?

Evidence: The Media Runs the Democrats

RUSH: The Democrats take their talking points from the media. The Democrats take their talking points and their message from the media. We've always thought for the longest time that it was Democrats, like Harry Reid or Pelosi, giving phrases and words and ideas to the media, and that they ran with it. I think it's the other way around now, and I don't think there's any doubt about this.

Nothing Will Change in France

RUSH: These two candidates were remarkably the same in their issues. The biggest difference between the two of them, the 39-year-old Macron and Marine Le Pen was immigration… They’re both more socialist than centrist, especially the guy. But Marine Le Pen is socialist, too, because all of France is socialist.

Democrats Pant in Anticipation of Yates Testimony

RUSH: She's not gonna have a bombshell. She's gonna have just enough to allow the media to continue this narrative that the Russians tampered, that the Russians have a closet secret deal with Trump.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Guest Host Mark Steyn

Mark Steyn, filled in for Rush on Open Line Friday. Check out his stack here for links and audio clips. Rush returns to the Golden EIB Microphone on Monday.

Why Millennials Can’t Cope

RUSH: Everybody gets a trophy, and nobody loses. And two plus two is five until you figure out it isn't. I think that's a factor: Not having been taught ways of coping, reacting, or any of that. Because it's clearly necessary. Everybody needs to have some sort of boundaries, instead of letting all of these threatening things in and becoming deeply personal.

The Details: What’s in the Health Care Bill

RUSH: Let's get to some of the details of this bill. And this is in as simple language and explanation as I can make it. It's a side-by-side comparison of what was in Obamacare and what's changing, what's being kept, and what's being removed.

Obama Interferes in French Election

RUSH: Obama here with a last-minute intervention in the French election. This is not supposed to be kosher. We're not supposed to be doing this! I mean, this is akin to what the Russians did.

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