Rush 24/7 Morning Update: That’s Blasphemy!
RUSH: What they're not reporting in the media is these protesters are not Republicans. They're organized by Democrats.
RUSH: What they're not reporting in the media is these protesters are not Republicans. They're organized by Democrats.
RUSH: The Drive-Bys are gonna be feasting all over this.
RUSH: Wow, that's just a fascinating theory. I wish I'd a had a chance to get to your call sooner today.
RUSH: I would submit that people who listen to this program get both sides of every issue.
RUSH: I predicted so much of what has come true regarding feminism and what the consequences of everybody kowtowing to these lunatic, left-wing women was going to end up being.
RUSH: There's nothing new out there. If you don't like it, change the law.
RUSH: Belichick, who never gives the media the time of day acting really happy, they never see Belichick happy. Belichick never looks like he’s enjoying anything except immediately after a Super Bowl win.
RUSH: My impression has been all along — and it was this even before Trump won — that the entire Washington establishment is opposed to Trump, including the Republican members. The establishment is not just elected people. The Washington establishment includes members of the media. It includes all of the scholars and thinkers at the think tanks. It includes all the nonprofits. It includes the bureaucracy. And that's all opposed to Trump.
RUSH: The last thing I said on this program yesterday was an urging of President Trump not to have any meetings on the Paris climate accord, to not go there, to don't do it. Headline today: "White House Postpones Meeting on Paris Climate Deal." Yes. That's all it took. Now, to make it permanent.
RUSH: Would you like to hear the real truth in what happened in this election last night? Do you think you can handle the real truth? Particularly you Democrats and leftists and progressives in the audience? I know you're there, and you know you're there, and you know who you are, as do I.
RUSH: The Democrats are living in a fantasy land today, and they were living in a fantasy world back in the general election. We're gonna go back to the period of August 1st through November 4th of 2016. We have a montage of Drive-By Media types and bloggers and analysts and pundits and commentators who were salivating over what they said was a likely possibility that Hillary Clinton would win Georgia.
RUSH: Congratulations on this big win. I am happy to join Democrats in every victory like this. Victory for the ages. You just heard him say victory for the ages. And I am more than happy, I mean, I will cross the aisle, I will offer the hand of friendship. I will offer to, well, not compromise, but I will gladly help them celebrate this win.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.