Donna Brazile vs. Kelly, Megyn Oct 20, 2016RUSH: Here we go, this is Donna Brazile, a paragon of virtue, ho-ho-ho-ho, Donna Brazile, part of...
El Rushbo’s Detailed Debate Review Oct 20, 2016RUSH: Chris in Pleasanton, California. Hello, sir. CALLER: Yeah, hi, Rush. I...
Trump Tweaks ‘Em in Ohio: I Will Accept the Election Results… If I Win Oct 20, 2016RUSH: We have sound bites from Trump in Delaware, Ohio. He’s still tweaking ’em. He...
What John Kerry and Democrats Did to Rig and Delegitimize the 2004 Election Oct 20, 2016RUSH: Let’s go to 2004 and the presidential election between John Kerry, who once served in...
It’s Infuriating! Gore’s Refusal to Accept the Legitimacy of the 2000 Election Still Has Harmful Ramifications to This Day Oct 20, 2016RUSH: Look, for those of you just joining us, I want to run through some things very, very quickly...
Over-the-Top Reaction to Trump Tells Me They’re Scared to Death He Can Win Oct 20, 2016RUSH: I maintain to you, folks, that they are still paranoid and scared to death of Donald...
Trump’s Answer to the Rigged Election Question Is the Reason He’s in This Race Oct 20, 2016RUSH: Good grief, it’s worse than I thought. We are surrounded, totally utterly...
Quick Hits Page Oct 20, 2016Hillary Gave Away the Time It Takes for US to Launch Nukes RUSH: By the way, folks, did you...
Pearls of Wisdom Oct 20, 2016“It’s worse than I thought. We are surrounded, totally utterly surrounded by glittering...
Morning Update: In Their Blood Oct 20, 2016Two Democrat party operatives have come out of the shadows. Not by choice. These henchmen made the...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Oct 20, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Hillary Clinton wears white pantsuit to debate, internet goes crazy for it...