Rush 24/7 Morning Update: It’s an Idea?
RUSH: The only important question is why Democrat mayors and governors have put up with Antifa and haven't called for the federal help they need to crush these violent, anti-American extremists!
Frustrating and Unfair Debate: Trump vs. Wallace/Biden
RUSH: The only word I have for it is frustrating. So frustrating… It was Trump versus two people last night.
Telemundo Snap Poll Stuns Media
RUSH: Trump 66, Biden 34, and there was universal shock when that number came in… You know why? Trump was seen as a fighter and a defender last night.
If Plugs Won, Why Don’t Democrats Want Him to Debate Again?
RUSH: The consensus is that Trump embarrassed himself and his supporters. That's what they all think. Now, given that, why wouldn't they want another debate?
Breaking It Down: Trump Condemned White Supremacists!
RUSH: He has never spoken in support of white supremacy. He has never spoken in support of militia groups. So the presumption is what bugs me, the presumption of guilt.
Biden Falsely Claims Antifa Is an Idea, Not an Organization
RUSH: For anybody who follows the news, there is no debate about this. Antifa cells have been perpetrating violence and vandalism for years.
How Can You Be Undecided About the Ending of America as Founded?
RUSH: This is as clear-cut as anything has ever been, and one of the choices is the absolute end of this country as you and I know it.
Debate Commission Decides Chris Wallace Was an Insufficient Tool
RUSH: So the Commission on Presidential Debates says they need to add new tools to maintain order. Does that mean, Mr. Snerdley, that Chris Wallace is an insufficient tool?
30-Year Listener Asks: Is It Time for an American Divorce?
RUSH: I actually broached the subject in a discussion much like the one you brought up. What do we have in common? Where do we overlap? What are the things that unify us?
NFL Postpones Titans-Steelers After COVID Strikes Titans
RUSH: If you got four players with COVID that can't play, go replace 'em from your practice squad. Play the game.
Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Uncensored!
RUSH: Another rant from an American college professor: "I want the entire world to burn until the last cop is strangled with the intestines of the last capitalist, who is strangled in turn with the intestines of the last politician."
The Debate Bar Couldn’t Be Lower for Biden (And I Still Think He Won’t Show)
RUSH: Don't think that they haven't tried to get out of this. And don't think that they're not still trying to get out of this. I don't care what anybody says.
Bad News for Democrats: Consumer Confidence Bounces Back
RUSH: Looky here. "Consumer Confidence Rebounds in September." This is why the Drive-By Media is telling us that the number-one election issue is not the economy, but instead it's COVID-19.
The Crock’s Biden Endorsement Met with Massive Online Anger
RUSH: It is the ChiComs who are paying them, it is the ChiComs who own them, and it is the Chinese to whom they are loyal.
Reimagine Government Without Democrats
RUSH: The Minneapolis town council, city council, whatever it is? Their plan to defund the police has collapsed.
Trump Tax Story: They Still Have Nothing
RUSH: What they've ended up leaking has led to nothing. There are three media conspiracy theories that Trump's tax returns debunk.
We’re Reliving the 2016 Campaign in So Many Ways
RUSH: It is stunning how similar this is all turning out to be to 2016. It really is. There are so many things that seem to be repeating themselves.
Democrats Need Ballot Fraud to Win Because They’re Not a Majority
RUSH: These mail-in ballots are going to be a problem. I think we ought to just say right now that they're not gonna count. I know it's not gonna happen. It should happen.
Trump’s Huge COVID-19 Testing Announcement
RUSH: This test is what could permit schools to reopen with no concerns whatsoever, and it's flat-out amazing that it has happened this quickly.