Why Prominent Rich Guys Are Pushing Back Against Fauxcahontas
RUSH: A new phenomenon is occurring out there that I need to explain and translate for you.
RUSH: A new phenomenon is occurring out there that I need to explain and translate for you.
RUSH: I'm just telling you, a steady diet of mainstream media coupled with the way you're educated, and I guarantee you you're going to think that Republicans are white supremacists, Nazis, and Klansmen.
RUSH: They don't have anything!
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: Democrats didn’t run on gun control. They didn’t define it as their number-one issue, for a simple reason: They wanted to win — and they did.
RUSH: If you want to play football in today’s liberal America, you can take a knee, you can disrespect the national anthem, you’ll become a hero. But you’d better not win by too much.
RUSH: Folks, I'm not trying to be falsely optimistic here. I’m trying to be realistic in the midst of what continues to be a gigantic bombardment of negative pessimism coming from the media.
RUSH: They build all these expectations up. The moment of truth comes, the big reveal, in public, and it is met with a thud.
RUSH: Adam Schiff hasn't been telling the truth about anything since Trump was elected.
RUSH: Just to show you. Cookie had this on the sound bite roster that she sent to me.
RUSH: I think Trump is an excellent role model for all kinds of people that want to win things.
RUSH: He was concerned irregular channels were being used to further foreign policy.
RUSH: The first president to participate in a New York Veterans Day Parade.
RUSH: Monmouth is respected. The Drive-Bys love to report Monmouth. The candidates, parties, they use Monmouth.
RUSH: Kentucky, Virginia, Wisconsin, Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, this is the beat of Salena Zito.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.
RUSH: Crazy Bernie, the profit Apple makes is their money! It isn't yours! They earned it, and they are very wise to keep it out of your hands.
RUSH: I want you to hear it because this is how you do it. This is how easy it is.
RUSH: He went off teleprompter, ended up creating what I think is one of the most ingenious health care slogans to have come down the pike.
RUSH: This is exactly what you've been voting for if you've been voting Republican, and it's not a small deal. It is a big deal.