Rush 24/7 Morning Update: It’s Back
RUSH: Walmart is roaring back. Their second quarter earnings blew the doors off expectations.
RUSH: Walmart is roaring back. Their second quarter earnings blew the doors off expectations.
RUSH: You can talk to many different legal experts, and you’ll get that many different interpretations. And the smart ones will tell you nobody knows.
RUSH: Now, in most marriages, if the wife “suggests” something, the husband does it.
RUSH: So what good is the 75 percent chance the Democrats win if you then say it’s not far-fetched to think the Republicans could hold the House?
RUSH: Donald Trump is doing what we have wanted any Republican to do for the last 20 years! He’s doing it!
RUSH: There are two kind of generals. You've got warrior generals, and you've got the political generals.
CALLER: I don’t think people realize how tough it is to do your job when you’re at 100 percent, let alone when you’re not really functioning and totally up to par.
RUSH: He is a college student, and he says that he has been successful in converting Millennials away from liberalism.
RUSH: Imagine that. Somebody grew up sleeping on the equivalent of burlap. That’s how she can appreciate the quality.
RUSH: Trump wants critics. Critics to Trump are foils. Critics are the equivalent of me getting phone calls from liberals.
RUSH: So Trump is out in the Hamptons, ladies and gentlemen. The Hamptons! You ought to see the crowd that he drew.
RUSH: This is my real Stack of Stuff with whatever I talk about on the air — and if I don’t talk about it on the air, it’s not that important for you to know about! Plus, anything I don’t have time to get to is put into The Holdover Stack for my next program.