Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The End is Near
RUSH: Blaming Trump for the imminent end to human life sounds ridiculous to normal people. But not to those blinded by liberalism.
RUSH: Blaming Trump for the imminent end to human life sounds ridiculous to normal people. But not to those blinded by liberalism.
RUSH: This show came along in 1988 and blew up that monopoly.
RUSH: Folks, I think some of this chaos is by design. It is a distraction. It's designed to get the media paying attention to themselves or looking elsewhere while Trump does things that they would abhor and despise.
RUSH: If you just ask "Senate Republican health bill," people by 33% like it; 65% say, "No. No way." But go through it individually, and some of it has 51, 52% majority support.
RUSH: It would be one thing if the coverage was, for the most part, rooted in at least a foundation of fact, but once that goes out the window, once they start manufacturing it, making it up, and once they've got all these Obama and Clinton embeds remaining in various levels of government who can call anybody in the media and lie about anything, the old days of ignoring it and staying above it are out the window. You have to fight back against it, because they are trying to destroy Trump.
RUSH: Gates, he arrived at this at a very young age. He's 61 years old and he figured this out. Most people get it when they're 12.
RUSH: They're supposed to be curious and knowledgeable of what's happening, and they've written off half the country.
RUSH: Stephen Hawking has the respect of practically everybody 'cause he's the smartest physicist, therefore human being, on the planet. But this is insanity. And this is just the latest.
RUSH: I know they're gonna take it seriously. This is the fun of it. I am openly taunting them here.
RUSH: Is CNN law enforcement? Is CNN in charge of this guy's constitutional rights? Is CNN this poor guy's gateway to freedom and the First Amendment? Does CNN have the right to tell this guy what he can and cannot do? Does CNN have the right to bully and demand this guy apologize, and then further hold over his head the threat to publicly humiliate him if he does it again?
RUSH: For everybody who's wanted something done about the media, this is what it looks like. For everybody's who's complained about "inside-the-Beltway-itis" and how it happens and says we need to drain the swamp or whatever, this is what it looks like. It was never gonna be pretty. It was never going to appear rational or normal.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.