
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

When President Truman Defended His Daughter

RUSH: Harry Truman threatened a local Washington music critic who had given a bad review to a performance by his daughter, Margaret. He threatened to beat this reviewer up.

Trump to Lunch with Moderate Democrat Senators

RUSH: Four Democrats incurring the wrath of the Democrat base to cross over and reach across the aisle to work with the Trumpster, accepting an invitation to have lunch with him at the White House.

Trump Tells It to the Judges

RUSH: Nowhere in this statute is there any reference to the judiciary at all. There's no reference to the judiciary having review, that the judiciary must sign off on whatever the president does. That's why what Judge Robart did is totally wrong! As a matter of law, Judge Robart was way outside his legal purview in issuing the stay.

Why the Hell Would We Want a Carbon Tax?

RUSH: I awoke today to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal that actually was published late yesterday by James Baker and George Shultz advocating on behalf of the Republican establishment for a — (are you ready for it?) — dadelut, dadelut, dadelut — carbon tax!

McConnell Mitch-Slaps Fauxcahontas — And She Lashes Out at Your Beloved Host!

RUSH: In the midst of all this anger, who is on her mind? None other than your beloved host, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-sensing Maha Rushie. It happened this morning on The View, and this is just one of the many stops that Fauxcahontas has made since having been made famous as a screeching ranter last night on the floor of the Senate.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Secrets

RUSH: Over the weekend, the Daily Caller reported the sudden firing of three brothers who managed the computer systems for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The committee handles vital intelligence secrets, including those related to the war on terror.

It’s Never Too Early to Start Reading Rush Revere

RUSH: I'll just answer our young caller from Asheville, North Carolina: It can't hurt. I think you're doing a great thing. It can't hurt just from your relationship with them standpoint, and, if there's any icing on the cake, with the historical facts and lessons taught by the Rush Revere series, I'd give it a shot.

What Could Derail Trump’s Agenda?

RUSH: As the mayor of Realville, I have to stay real, and that means I have to be prepared myself for things that are gonna disappoint me so I can react to them in the right way and not be surprised by them.

How Trump Can Ease the Putin Tension

RUSH: Trump could call Putin over there in the Kremlin and say, "Let's get together," and he takes with him a little plastic red thing that he says is a reset button. And he goes over there and has a meeting with Putin and says, "Let's reset the relationship. Let's jointly press the reset button."

The Super Bowl Wasn’t the Greatest Game Ever

RUSH: There was another playoff game — I think it was a playoff game — that featured an even greater comeback than this. The old Houston Oilers in Buffalo against the Buffalo Bills.

Have You Seen These Photos of Obama?

RUSH: So I'm doing my show prep today, and I see this photo of Obama. Have you seen this? He's out there wind surfing down in the British Virgin Islands on a private island owned by Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines.

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