A Glimmer of Hope in Public School Nov 15, 2016RUSH: Biloxi, Mississippi, next. Charles, great to have you, sir. Hi. CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s honor...
The Myth of Mitt Romney’s Loss Nov 15, 2016RUSH: Here is Michael in Lyndhurst, New Jersey. You’re first today, sir. So it’s great to have you...
House Earthquake: Angry Democrats in Revolt, Giddy Republicans Have New Life Nov 15, 2016RUSH: Now, the two things that are being underreported, first, the House leadership election vote,...
Eugene Robinson Hopes Trump Fails Nov 15, 2016RUSH: Looky here, my friends. Eugene Robinson, columnist, Washington Post. He also… I...
The Final Days: Obama in Denial Nov 15, 2016RUSH: Bill in Indian Harbour Beach, Florida. Bill, great to have you. I’m glad you waited. Welcome...
Precarious Times: My Theory on Trump’s Behavior Since the Election Nov 15, 2016RUSH: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the Donald Trump that we’re seeing now. I alluded to...
The Depth of Democrat Defeat in 2016: Liberalism Was Rejected and Repudiated Nov 15, 2016RUSH: I’ve been looking at the election results in even greater detail, and I’m here to tell you...
Quick Hits Page Nov 15, 2016Half of Oregon Anti-Trump Protesters Didn’t VoteRUSH: More than half of the arrested anti-Trump...
Pearls of Wisdom Nov 15, 2016“I’ve been looking at the election results in even greater detail, and I’m here to tell you...
Morning Update: Reaching Out Nov 15, 2016In his first press conference after the Democrat Party’s latest election loss, Barack Obama said...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Nov 15, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Populism Takes Over the World • Google, Facebook move to restrict ads...