
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Pearls of Wisdom

“When Micah X.  Johnson commits a massacre of police officers in Dallas, who gets...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • 5 Dallas Officers Killed, 7 Injured in Ambush Shootings • ‘He...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • New VA study finds 20 veterans commit suicide each day • Bill...

Pearls of Wisdom

“I find it fascinating. Here’s the smartest woman in the world one day, yet today Hillary’s...

Morning Update: Denied

Esther Levy of Warwick, New York recently went to the Cancun Inn, a popular restaurant there that...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • FBI just told us we’d be in bad hands with Hillary – John Podhoretz...

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