
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Diversity, Melania front-and-center on first night of Trump convention...

Quick Hits Page

Report: Megyn Kelly Accuses Roger Ailes of Harassment Ten Years Ago RUSH:  Well, Megyn Kelly...

Pearls of Wisdom

“Anybody who watched the speeches Monday night saw the police honored and saw the military...

Morning Update: Deadly Lies

In a random act of journalism the Associated Press obtained a secret document revealing that Iran...

Pearls of Wisdom

“Great to bring a sense of calm and normalcy back to the country, what with my presence here...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Here’s What You Need To Know About Baton Rouge Cop Killer Gavin Long...

Guest Host Buck Sexton

“No precedent has been set here with Hillary that will protect any of you.  Meaning, if...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Do you think ISIS gives two pins for your pathetic hashtags, prayers and...

Guest Host Mark Belling

“For those of you not familiar with me, I’ve been one of those guys that’s kind of had the...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Poll Finds Emails Weighing on Hillary Clinton, Now Tied With Donald Trump...

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