Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 20, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Cucked By Zuck: Establishment Conservatives Rock Up For Pointless Meeting...
Epstein Note: Bill Clinton Flew on Pedophile’s Plane Maybe Twice as Often as Reported May 19, 2016RUSH: Flight logs of Jeffrey Epstein’s plane — you know what they call that? You know who...
Why Are We Raising a Generation of Wuss Smart-Asses? May 19, 2016RUSH: Here’s Rosser in Atlanta, 17 years old. Great to have you on the program, Rosser. How are...
Drive-Bys: Trump Dared to Change Our False Narrative, Plans to Produce a Convention People Actually Want to Watch May 19, 2016RUSH: I can’t remember if I mentioned this on the program last week or if I was talking to some...
Rush Golfs Where Men Can Be Men, Links It to Paglia’s Piece on Trump’s Lifestyle with the Ladies, and Political Blindness Like That Behind the Fakeb… May 19, 2016RUSH: I left out one of the golf courses we played over the weekend.I talked about Oakmont...
Trump Makes SCOTUS List, Goes After Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Allegations and Hillary Corruption Despite Warnings May 19, 2016RUSH: The New York Times, on Tuesday, warned Donald Trump. In an actual news story, the New York...
As Sadistic Terrorists Slaughter Innocents, Harvard Professor Insists Conservatives Be Treated Like the Defeated Nazis May 19, 2016RUSH: It’s predictable. It’s like clockwork. Here we are obsessing on which bathrooms people...
Another Democrat Gets in Trouble for Telling the Truth: “Fast Eddie” Rendell Says Ugly Women Love Hillary May 19, 2016RUSH: Now, Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania, Ed Rendell stepped in it, but he still...
Trees in America’s National Parks Are Racist! May 19, 2016 RUSH: You know, I’ve referenced this a couple times, never got to the details. I...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 19, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Trump refers to alleged Bill Clinton assault as ‘rape’ •...
Quick Hits Page May 19, 2016Washington Post Poll: 9-in-10 Native Americans Don’t Mind the Washington Redskins RUSH: There’s a...
Pearls of Wisdom May 19, 2016“Democrats never get in trouble when they lie. The fur flies when they admit that they’ve...
Morning Update: Ugly Business May 19, 2016Politics isn’t pretty. It’s showbiz for the ugly. Just ask former Governor “Fast...
Ivanka Trump Buries Norah O’Donnell May 18, 2016RUSH: Norah O’Donnell brought in Ivanka Trump, the daughter, to discuss whether or not her father...
Bob Schieffer Thinks Trump Can Win — Even Though We’re Running Out of White People May 18, 2016RUSH: To the audio sound bite roster. Bob Schieffer worrying on CBS This Morning that Crazy...
Fakebook Will Continue to Censor Conservatism May 18, 2016RUSH: Let me get a sound bite in here. This involves me. This is Todd Starnes, Fox Business...
How to Deal with the Narrative as News May 18, 2016RUSH: Steven in Annapolis, Maryland, it’s your turn. You’re next. Hello, sir. CALLER: Hey,...
My Brother Is Right About the Transgender Bathroom Debate May 18, 2016RUSH: My brother David had a column published yesterday. “Resisting Obama’s Transgender...
TSA Disaster Is Liberalism on Display May 18, 2016RUSH: How about these absolutely unacceptable conditions at airports, the lines to pass through...
Get the NEVER HILLARY Bumper Sticker May 18, 2016RUSH: I have to tell you something. We have come up with our next great premium giveaway for new...