A Little Fair Use of “Rush the Knife” Jun 13, 2013RUSH: So you’ve been — did you say waking up, dreaming, or nightmare-ing, which is it?...
Fascinating Call from Telecom Exec Jun 13, 2013RUSH: This is Matt from Miami and it says you are an exec in the telecommunications industry,...
Bob Kraft Gives Us Hope That Character Still Counts Jun 13, 2013RUSH: Yesterday Foxborough, Massachusetts, at Gillette Stadium, the owner of the New England...
Update on College Student’s Rush Project Jun 13, 2013RUSH: It’s Michael from Westfield, New York. Welcome, sir. We’re eager to hear this. How are...
Where’s My Pathway to the Shadows? Jun 13, 2013RUSH: If you want to see something funny, go to RushLimbaugh.com and look at the way we treated my...
What Leads Low-Info News? Kanye Cheats on Kim, Diane Sawyer Panics Over Rain — and a Senator Tweets at a Hearing Jun 13, 2013RUSH: We have the NSA. We have the IRS. We got Benghazi. We got Syria. We got all kinds of stuff....
We’ve Been Played on Immigration Jun 13, 2013RUSH: We go to immigration. In a remarkable turn of events, all eight Gang of Eight members voted...
The Affordable Care Act is So Unaffordable, Members of Congress and Their Aides are Quitting Because They Can’t Afford It! Jun 13, 2013RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, this is truly outrageous. There’s a headline in The Politico today:...
Nakoula Nakoula Speaks in Praise of Obama Jun 12, 2013RUSH: We’ve got two sound bites of the guy that did the video that caused all the trouble in the...
Liberals Don’t Live in Fear of Republicans Someday Gaining Control of the Spying Apparatus Again Jun 12, 2013RUSH: It’s Cleveland, this is Hope, and it’s great to have you. Hi. Welcome to the EIB...
Affirmative Action Will Never End Jun 12, 2013RUSH: This is an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. This is not gonna go down well with the...
Amnesty: GOP’s Ticket to Nonexistence Jun 12, 2013RUSH: Here’s Jason, Ellisville, Missouri. Welcome, sir, to the program. Where’s Ellisville?CALLER:...
Did Maxine Let the Cat Out of the Bag on Democrat Data Mining to Tip Elections? Jun 12, 2013RUSH: So where are we? The individual — and this is reputed to be constitutional law, and...
Who Owns the Content of Your Phone Calls? Jun 12, 2013RUSH: There’s a big argument that has ensued over this that’s kind of constitutionally...
The Current Theory on How Amnesty Gets Through the House Before 2014 Jun 12, 2013RUSH: Now, here is the theory on how this becomes law, including being passed in the House of...
If the NSA Can Track Anyone Anywhere, Why Can’t We Find 10 to 11 Million Illegals Living in the Shadows? Jun 12, 2013RUSH: Full disclosure, I received a phone call from Senator Rubio this morning about an hour ago,...
If All Three Branches of Government Agree, Does That Make It Right? Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Look, I don’t want sound like a National Honor Society candidate. I’m not trying to sound...
A Dose of Reality on Immigration Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Get this, folks. This story just cleared the Washington Examiner. The Senate’s comprehensive...