Monday Quotes: Discovering EIB Oct 11, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”Psst! Media Tweak of the...
Did Allred’s Hit on Whitman Work? Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Rich in White Plains, New York. Thank you for calling, sir. You are next.CALLER: Hi, Rush....
Where Are All The Porkulus Jobs? Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Mike in… is it Homer or Houma?CALLER: Houma.RUSH: Houma, okay, whatever you...
Feminism and Republican Women Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Do you remember Undeniable Truth of Life Number 24? Do you remember how that goes, Brian?...
Democrat Anti-Tobacco Agenda is Recycled from the Mad Men Era Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer talking to Axelrod, says, ‘When John Boehner, the...
The Next Storyline: Hillary 2012 Oct 11, 2010RUSH: You know, Bob Schieffer really did blow their cover. I mentioned this already two times. You...
Obama Makes Himself Look Bad with Chamber of Commerce Attack Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Obama last week, he’s out there campaigning. He’s not even on the ballot. He’s out there...
Your Host is Everywhere Oct 11, 2010RUSH: You know, I’ve often remarked how similar, when you listen to the Iranian lunatic president...
Angry Lib Slams Secretariat Movie Oct 11, 2010RUSH: We watched a movie over the weekend: Secretariat. I was surprised, it’s a good movie. I saw...
Rush’s Morning Update: Thugs October 12, 2010 Oct 11, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: ThugsOctober 12, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
TIME’s Mark Halperin Discovers What We Knew Two Years Ago Oct 11, 2010RUSH: Now, there are two headlines here for the Mark Halperin piece at One is:...