Thursday Quotes: Taxed Enough Already Apr 15, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”There is more pollution...
Should the GOP Fight Obama by Refusing to Raise the Debt Ceiling? Apr 15, 2010RUSH: Bill in Dallas, great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello, sir.CALLER: It’s good to be...
MSNBC’s Jay Barbree: No NASA Workers Invited to Obama Speech Apr 15, 2010RUSH: This afternoon on PMSNBC live the anchorette, Tamron Hall, spoke with the NASA correspondent...
Tea Party Protests White Liberals Apr 15, 2010RUSH: Brian from New Jersey, on the way to DC. Welcome to the program, sir. Hi.CALLER: Hey, how...
Democrats Seek Control Over American Financial Institutions Apr 15, 2010RUSH: Christopher Dodd yesterday on the floor of the US Senate, he’s almost lost his mind. He...
Black America and the Founding Apr 15, 2010RUSH: To Chicago and Verlin, thank you for waiting, sir. Great to have you on the EIB...
Mother Preps to Confront Teacher Apr 15, 2010RUSH: This is Holly as we go back to the phones to Powell, Wyoming. Nice to have you on the...
This Regime Doesn’t Like America; Vilifies, Targets American Citizens Apr 15, 2010RUSH: The tea parties are getting in full swing out there. I just saw a bunch of great signs out...
Regime to Banks: Forgive Principal Apr 15, 2010RUSH: All these stories on foreclosure, and they’re all over the place. I must have three or four...
Obama Shifts Blame for Mines Apr 15, 2010RUSH: So Obama is now putting on his ambulance-chaser hat. He’s gonna send inspectors to all these...
Petrified State-Run Media Uses Poll to Assault the Tea Party Movement Apr 15, 2010RUSH: With a few exceptions, have you noticed the contempt for all of these tea party people all...
Rush’s Morning Update: Payoff! April 16, 2010 Apr 15, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: Payoff!April 16, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Student Assigned to Read New York Times by Limbaugh-Bashing Professor Apr 15, 2010RUSH: Here’s Kara, she’s 19 in Indianapolis. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...