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RUSH: This afternoon on PMSNBC live the anchorette, Tamron Hall, spoke with the NASA correspondent for NBC, Jay Barbree about Obama and the Kennedy Space Center. All the astronauts from the golden era of the space program have ripped Obama for ending manned space flight, particularly the revised moon program. They’ve all come out in unison. So Obama’s sort of backed off, ‘Okay, okay, well, we’ll revive,’ because it would put nine or 10,000 people out of work after the last shuttle flight. So Obama says, ‘Okay, okay, okay, we’ll revive the capsule program, the Orion, but we’re not running this moon business, no more of that,’ because we’re a country in decline. Countries in decline don’t explore space. Countries in decline use NASA to look for evidence of global warming, which is what he intends for NASA. So there’s all kinds of problems down there at NASA because a lot of people are going to lose their jobs after the last shuttle flight this fall. So Obama is hustling down there to speak at the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral. Tamron Hall, anchorette, says to Jay Barbree, ‘In just about 45 minutes Obama will speak to NASA workers to explain why he’s deciding to end plans for America’s return to the moon, at least for now. The administration feels there’s a time to reassess and reset the situation. It is not his quest to end our attempts to go to the moon, correct?’

BARBREE: He’s messing up the sandbox if you will. But you said there in the introduction that he’s coming here to speak to the workers. And what I’ve just been told, he’s going to speak before about 200 select people in the building where they will build the Orion and not a single worker, I’m told, has been invited.

HALL: Wow.

BARBREE: I wonder if the President knows that. Maybe he’ll be told that when he gets over to the building and maybe we’ll find him pulling in some workers because, after all, that was the purpose of his trip, as you said.

RUSH: (laughing) I wonder if the president knows that there are no workers. How many thousands of people are at NASA, he’s going to Orion building, 200 people in there, and no workers. Well, who’s mad at Obama? The workers! You think they’re going to let workers in there? (imitating Barbree) ‘Gee, I wonder if Obama knows this.’ (laughing) Hey, do you think Colonel Sanders knows that they’re killing the chickens? (laughing) Jay Barbree, I mean, this guy goes back a long way. He’s been with the space program since the space program was a space program. I’ve loved his work. I think he’s great. (imitating Barbree) ‘I wonder if the president knows that. Maybe he’ll be told when he gets over to the building and maybe we’ll find him pulling in some workers. After all, that was the purpose of his trip, you said.’ (laughing) Does the president know where the Oval Office is? I wonder if he knows — (laughing)


RUSH: Well, there’s Obama down at Cape Canaveral speaking to 200 people in the Orion Building. I wonder if they let any workers in there. I wonder if Obama found out that there aren’t any workers in there and he made sure some workers got in there because that’s who he was going to go talk to is the workers. He not going to talk to the workers; they’re mad as they can be! They’re getting canned because of these policies. The workers are not being let in there on purpose.

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