
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Truth on Carnahan and Stupak

RUSH: Here’s the proof on the phony story The Politico ran about protesters putting a coffin on...

Obamacare Is NOT Popular

RUSH: Look at this, folks. Stand by audio sound bite 14, by the way. ‘Americans by nine...

Coming Soon: EIB Sob Stories

RUSH: Joe in St. Louis, thank you for waiting, sir. You’re up next. Hello.CALLER: You know, Rush,...

Biden Drops F-Bomb on Obama

RUSH: Here is Biden. This is during the Star Wars bar scene today, the signing ceremony at the...

Democrats Must be Defeated

RUSH: So Obama keeps saying, ‘After a century of trying we now have’ health insurance? What?...

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