Rush’s Morning Update: Remember Miguel May 29, 2009 May 28, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Remember MiguelMay 29, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
CNN: Cheney/Limbaugh 2012? May 28, 2009RUSH: Did you know that CNN is speculating out there that the Republican ticket in 2012 will be...
RINOs on March to GOP Extinction May 28, 2009RUSH: Audio sound bites, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who Pravda says his political career is being...
You Were Warned: Obama Election Didn’t Erase Race/Class Warfare May 28, 2009RUSH: Apple Valley, California. Hi Chuck, great to have you on the EIB Network.CALLER: Yes, hi...
A Victim of the Obama Economy May 28, 2009RUSH: We’ll start in Orlando, Florida. Diane, thank you for calling. Great to have you here with...
Biden Makes Teleprompter Joke May 28, 2009RUSH: Vice President Biden made fun of President Obama yesterday at the Air Force Academy in...
Shhh! Don’t Tell Robert Gibbs: We’re Talking About Sotomayor May 28, 2009As I was saying Robert Gibbs at the White House yesterday warned people like me to be very careful...
This Country is Failing Because President Obama is Succeeding May 28, 2009RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, has warned all of us to...
Obama: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet! May 28, 2009RUSH: Barack Obama at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles last night said this.OBAMA: Take...
Allison’s Questions for El Rushbo May 28, 2009RUSH: Jackson, Missouri, and Sherry. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello. Sherry, you...