Thursday Quotes: Leader of the Capitalistic Insurgency Jan 8, 2009You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”This plan, if it...
Incredible Obama Gitmo Remark Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Last night on CNBC Reports, John Harwood was interviewing The One, The Messiah, the Most...
Reestablishing Conservatism 101: Be Who You Are and Be Confident Jan 8, 2009RUSH: To Big Stone City, South Dakota, this is Dana. Nice to have you here.CALLER: Yes, thank you,...
Dems Move to National Health Care Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Last night on CNBC. The correspondent John Harwood was interviewing Obama, and he says,...
Obama Tax Credit Designed to Fail Jan 8, 2009RUSH: I want to take you back to late in the campaign, the presidential campaign. Barack Obama had...
Barack Obama’s War Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Barack Obama, ladies and gentlemen, has launched a war to save the US economy. That’s what...
A Short Primer for New Listeners Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Mr. Snerdley has advised me — and I think Mr. Snerdley may have a point here —...
Why 40% Pay No Fed Income Tax Jan 8, 2009RUSH: We’ll start in North Canton, Ohio. Mark, I’m glad you called. Great to have you here.CALLER:...
The Obama Campaign Continues Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Sometimes I cringe at playing sound bites of myself. Well, because I could say it myself...
Insane Obama Plan: The Biggest Economic Blunder in Our History Jan 8, 2009RUSH: Well, the insanity that we spoke of yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, continued this morning...
Rush’s Morning Update: Details! January 9, 2009 Jan 8, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Details!January 9, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Bubba Back in the Oval Orifice Jan 8, 2009RUSH: They had all the living presidents in the Oval Office yesterday. They had H.W. Bush, and...