Obama Plagiarizes Cuomo Speech Jun 6, 2008RUSH: It has been discovered, ladies and gentlemen, that Barack Obama may be a quasi-plagiarist....
The Meaning of June 6, 1944 Jun 6, 2008RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 6th of June. I realize that many of you know what the...
A Caller High on Polygamy Jun 6, 2008RUSH: This is Justin in Benton, Pennsylvania. Great to have you here on Open Line Friday.CALLER:...
Rush Translates Maya Angelou Jun 6, 2008RUSH: This is CNN’s Election Center last night. Campbell Brown and Jessica Yellin, two babes have...
Obama Flip-Flops on Jerusalem Jun 6, 2008RUSH: This is Barack Obama Wednesday morning speaking to AIPAC about Jerusalem.OBAMA: Any...
The Messiah Instructs the Media Jun 6, 2008RUSH: In the Washington Post, in a story on Obama meets with Clinton, listen to this by Jonathan...
The Qualifications for President Jun 6, 2008iRUSH: This is Angela. Nice to have you here.CALLER: Good afternoon, Rush.RUSH: Hi.CALLER: Hi. I’m...
Rush’s Morning Update: Swallow This! June 6, 2008 Jun 5, 2008Rush’s Morning Update: Swallow This! June 6, 2008Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Friends of New Orleans Charity to Blow Cash on Denver DNC Party Jun 5, 2008RUSH: This is a story in the Denver Post today. They’re outta money at the Democrat National...
Rush’s Guidance: Focus on Future Jun 5, 2008RUSH: Now, we’ve talked a lot in the past couple days about what to do here. You have called. You...
Drive-Bys Get It Wrong: Obama Wouldn’t Be First Black President Jun 5, 2008RUSH: Now, a couple thoughts here. I meant to get into this yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, and...
Liberty Doesn’t Go Out of Style Jun 5, 2008RUSH: I was perusing various websites, conservative websites. (I’m not going to mention the names;...
What Tony Rezko Did Obama Know? Jun 5, 2008RUSH: Let’s move on to this Tony Rezko situation. Obama yesterday issued a statement saying:...
Previewing the Next Presidency Jun 5, 2008RUSH: We’ll go to Anacortes, Washington. This is John. Thank you, sir, and welcome.CALLER: Hey,...
McCain Wants Independent Votes Jun 5, 2008RUSH: Senator McCain, even as we speak, is on television speaking at the Florida Press...
Will Bush Take Care of Iran? Jun 5, 2008RUSH: Bruce in Fort Wayne, Indiana, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Proud corporal...
Parsing Mrs. Clinton’s Statement Jun 5, 2008RUSH: I’m watching the news also at the top of the hour break, and no matter what channel I turn...
Rush’s Advice: Just Love Her, Obama Jun 4, 2008RUSH: The overwhelming success of Operation Chaos has demonstrated that this program has power...
A Tough Night with Punky the Cat Jun 4, 2008RUSH: A little story here. Everybody’s asking me here, ‘What are you so edgy about today?’...
Pete Calls El Rushbo a Wimp Jun 4, 2008RUSH: We go to Houston. This is Pete. You’re next, sir. Thank you for waiting.CALLER: Yes, Rush....