Rush’s Morning Update: Advocacy! June 13, 2008 Jun 12, 2008Rush’s Morning Update: Advocacy!June 13, 2008Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Senator McCain Could Save His Campaign with Energy Policy Flip-Flop Jun 12, 2008RUSH: You have to feel for Senator McCain a little bit. He goes on the Today Show yesterday, and...
In Praise of the Messiah’s Patience Jun 12, 2008RUSH: We cannot let this guy, Obama, get anywhere near the Oval Office, because Obama is not the...
Gitmo and the Left’s Assault on Liberty Jun 12, 2008RUSH: Apparently Senator McCain has spoken out, ladies and gentlemen, on the Supreme Court...
Articulate Our Ideas, and We’ll Win Jun 12, 2008RUSH: New York Post, Page Six, gossip column: ”McCain Squad Out-Talks O’s’ — If only...
Dean Admits Democrats Nervous Jun 11, 2008RUSH: I had a plant today in a Howard Dean breakfast with reporters, and I just got the report...
Dems Jump on McCain Iraq Remark Jun 11, 2008RUSH: Matt Lauer: ‘If it’s not working, Senator, do you now have a better estimate of when...
Two Brilliant Callers in a Row Jun 11, 2008RUSH: Milan in Mountain View, California. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the program.CALLER: Hi,...
A Case of Bulb Encroachment? Jun 11, 2008RUSH: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, this is Mary, and I’m glad you waited. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush! I have...
Hubbub Over Graduation Cheers Jun 11, 2008RUSH: Jim in Fayetteville, North Carolina, I’m glad you waited. You’re first up today. Great to...
Professor Hazlett and the Unintended Consequences of Liberalism Jun 11, 2008RUSH: I had a great night last night. My friend, Professor Hazlett, was in town. He came by,...
Rush’s Morning Update: Heal Our Children June 12, 2008 Jun 11, 2008Rush’s Morning Update: Heal Our ChildrenJune 12, 2008Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Drive-By Media Uses GOP Dupes to Mainstream Obama’s Radicalism Jun 11, 2008RUSH: Our buddies at NewsBusters, Mark Finkelstein today, has a post. Andrea Mitchell. It’s really...
The Hacks Behind Barack Obama Jun 11, 2008RUSH: As you know, over the course of the recent past, I, El Rushbo, your host; have been openly...
Oil and Commodity Speculators Jun 10, 2008RUSH: Baltimore, Maryland, back to the phones, this is Terry. It’s great to have you with us....
Peter Schweizer on Liberal Whiners Jun 10, 2008RUSH: Since we’re on this basic subject — and what is the basic subject? What would you say,...
A Military Man on Male Bonding Jun 10, 2008RUSH: Finley, Jacksonville, North Carolina, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello. Finley, turn your...
McCain Will Regulate CEO Pay Jun 10, 2008RUSH: This morning in Washington, DC, the Republicans’ standard-bearer, Senator McCain, spoke to...
Up Next at EIB: The Saturn ASTRA Jun 10, 2008RUSH: You know, our friends at General Motors want us to drive all these new cars. They have the...
Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr. Confirmed by United States Senate Jun 10, 2008RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, please indulge me here as I interrupt today’s excursion into broadcast...