
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Human Pandemic

RUSH: Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker is alarmed. She’s worried about the wildfires that are devastating parts of California, Washington State, and Oregon.

Masculinity Suddenly Rushes Into the News

RUSH: I always tell you I'm on the cutting edge of societal evolution, and therefore if you listen regularly to this program, so shall you be on the cutting edge.

Biden Questions vs. Trump Questions

RUSH: We do this now and then, A-B, side-by-side comparison. I'm gonna show you the media softball questions that Biden gets versus the vicious, rude town hall questions that Trump got.

The Trump Economy Beats Expectations Again

RUSH: He's done this despite wildfires, hurricanes, and Democrat governors and mayors deliberately tamping down their local economies in an effort to hurt the national economy.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

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