
Rush Limbaugh

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Democrat Governors Want to Extend Economic Suffering

RUSH: I swear, I don't know how much more I can take of a political party and its governors actually attempting to extend this damage, to prolong the harm that is occurring to average, ordinary people.

I’m Not Bummed Out — I’m Just Suspicious

RUSH: People sent me emails, "Rush, why are you so suspicious of the medical and health expertise that gathers at the briefings and so forth?" Folks, this is it. I'm gonna answer this to the best of my ability.

Dems Shocked to Find WH Briefings Are Helping Trump

RUSH: They have been focus-grouping Trump's briefings, and they're finding out that these briefings are helping Trump, and they can't believe it. They think Trump is stepping in it every day.

The Mask As a Symbol of Fear

RUSH: I like that last caller's theory, the mask is the symbol of fear, the sign that you're at risk, the sign nothing is going to get better.

Bosch, Season 6 Is the Best

RUSH: Speaking of binging TV shows, I don't know how many of you have watched Bosch on Amazon Prime, but it's one of my favorite shows out there.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Ladies’ Man

RUSH: Maybe for the first time in his life, Joe Biden is a true ladies' man. The only question is: Will he remember any of their names by the time he has to choose one of them?

Two Views on Where Trump Stands

RUSH: There are two different pieces, columns, articles that I wish to share with you today to show you the contrast in attitude and apprehension that exists.

The American People Decide When the Lockdown Ends

RUSH: Normal people, people that I lovingly and very appreciatively characterize by saying people who make the country work and who are not leftists, understand that there are risks in life.

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