Why Are Brennan and Clapper Still Center Stage?
RUSH: This bunch serves and operates outside the existing corridors of power. This is the problem.
RUSH: This bunch serves and operates outside the existing corridors of power. This is the problem.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: Left-wing labor unrest is not news. And left-wing activism against corporations is not news, especially in California. But when left-wing Google is the corporation that’s having left-wing labor problems, why, it's entertaining news.
RUSH: Not very long ago, the story you’re about to hear would have been shocking. Today it’s routine news.
RUSH: I'm gonna go through it again today. It's the kind of thing that repetition will not hurt. It will only help further understanding.
RUSH: People say, "Rush, why don't you go on TV?" I don't like television, folks, for a whole host of reasons. Let me give you another reason why right now.
RUSH: She rocked the committee this morning, although they may not know it. Ah, I think they have to know it.
RUSH: It's yet another poll where Trump has increased his level of support in the midst of impeachment hearings.
RUSH: The tech blogs today feel sold out. The tech blogs think that Trump succeeded in wandering into Apple's factory and created a massive propaganda tour that co-opted Tim Cook.
RUSH: Sondland was the guy! The bombshells were dropping! The walls were closing in. But by afternoon and evening…
RUSH: The amount of time spent on impeachment last night was barely perfunctory.
RUSH: "I felt marginalized by his tweets," Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, impeachment testimony 2019.
RUSH: In every congressional hearing, somebody is saying the truth and somebody isn't, and the truth never seems to have any impact on any of the witnesses.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: California is boycotting some of the biggest automakers in the world.
RUSH: He admitted he had no evidence of Trump quid pro quo. It was all his presumption based on media reports, based on conversations with colleagues.
RUSH: Context here — and, to me, explaining why Donald Trump does what he does and why he did what he did is easy if you know him.
RUSH: This is Believe Everything Gordon Sondland Says Day.
RUSH: He used the break to go out and conduct a press conference to say, "We did it! We've nailed Trump!"
CALLER: He's the firewall for the American people on things that we care about.