$3 Million Betsy Ross T-Shirt Donation for Tunnel to Towers
RUSH: When that local news is made the local media will claim it came from a donation from Rush Limbaugh. But it's not a donation from me. It's a donation from all of you.
RUSH: When that local news is made the local media will claim it came from a donation from Rush Limbaugh. But it's not a donation from me. It's a donation from all of you.
RUSH: Ever since Trump was elected, ever since he was inaugurated and began serving, this is what pushback looks like.
RUSH: What do you think is the first city we cite in the July issue of The Limbaugh Letter, "Liberal-Run Hellholes"? Right here it is, Baltimore. Fifty-two years of Democrat rule.
RUSH: We didn't put our heads together! Harry Reid tried to essentially get me censured with the CEO of my syndication partner, who couldn't anyway.
RUSH: Every time it happens you people come along and you try to blame talk radio, you try to blame Fox News. Or you blame the NRA, you blame something that had nothing to do with it.
RUSH: African-American unemployment, African-American wages, African-American upward mobility, has never been higher. Never, folks.
RUSH: Everybody is categorizing this as a Rush Limbaugh donation. It's not. It's the people that are buying the T-shirts that are making this donation possible.
RUSH: Just going to California to make a serious campaign speech sends the signal that we are going for every vote, that Trump is president of the whole country.
RUSH: Open-borders liberals don’t care a whit about our laws, but they’re worried about the rule of law in Guatemala.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.