What Trump vs. Pelosi Is Really All About
RUSH: This is all about the fact that they got nothing on collusion with Russia.
RUSH: This is all about the fact that they got nothing on collusion with Russia.
RUSH: Even though he admitted that he did it — the investigative body said, nope, he didn't do it, and the investigation is over.
RUSH: What do the Democrats love to do as much as (maybe not more than, but as much as) anything? They love spending money!
RUSH: Sixty-four percent think the FBI knew it was unreliable, but only 34% know that Hillary paid for it.
RUSH: Gowdy is alluding to transcripts of phone calls that he's seen between these informants and Papadopoulos and that they are exculpatory.
RUSH: Everything about this has been a lie, so why not just continue the lie? What was anybody gonna do about it?
RUSH: Mayor Pete did his Fox News town hall. He ended up getting a standing ovation from the Fox News town hall audience.
RUSH: I've always subscribed to the theory that if you are fortunate enough in life to do what you love, then you're not really gonna feel like you're at work.
RUSH: I just saw something here that I find intriguing as it can be.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: California’s high-speed train is $50 billion over budget, nowhere near completion, and not even high speed. It’s worse than a boondoggle; it looks like a massive, high-speed fraud.