Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Bennies or Bust?
RUSH: On Saturday, the Department of Homeland Security unveiled a proposed new green card rule that made liberals see red. It enforces the law.
RUSH: On Saturday, the Department of Homeland Security unveiled a proposed new green card rule that made liberals see red. It enforces the law.
RUSH: I'm not gonna say the unmentionable words, but you'll know what they are.
RUSH: That this is happening has my gut in knots. It literally does. It has my stomach in knots. My heart rate is elevated.
RUSH: If the Republicans do not get this vote taken and have Kavanaugh confirmed, you can kiss the midterms goodbye.
RUSH: Email: "You predicted another woman would come forward. How did you know? How did you know?"
RUSH: He's not ashamed, he's not embarrassed, he's got nothing to apologize for — and he is a perfect nominee from Donald Trump in this regard.
RUSH: People misconstrue the First Amendment's right to free speech to also mean right to be heard.
RUSH: We have all the evidence we need that there was a cabal of people in the deep state attempting to overthrow the duly elected president: Donald Trump.
RUSH: They just took a germ of a story and blew it up into something that was not true.
CALLER: I am very concerned about this weaponizing of sexuality by the left.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.