
Rush Limbaugh

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The Air Force Racist Graffiti Hoax

RUSH: There are any number of false, phony allegations. Like how about these allegations of rape that didn't happen at various universities that end up being highlighted in magazines like Rolling Stone.

The Day El Rushbo Was a Striper in Sacramento

CALLER: I don't know if you remember this or not. It was back in '84 or '85. I'm an old asphalt paver, retired asphalt paver, and I worked for the striping crew for parking lots, and the whole week our company had been working at KFBK studios.

Papadopoulos Professor Disappears

RUSH: He's either dead or he's in prison or he has fled. One way or another, this guy, Mifsud, wants nothing to do with this, or somebody doesn't want Mifsud to have anything to do with this.

Collusion! Trump Meets Putin (But No Offer of Female Companionship Made)

RUSH: Since this happens to be a worldwide economic summit, Putin is there. But they have been keeping cameras trained on all the joint sessions to see if Trump and Putin sneak off, have a private meeting somewhere, because of course that will mean they’re continuing to plot the collusion for the next election.

Louis C.K. Says He Did It

RUSH: This guy has said some of the most vile, disgusting things about Donald Trump about, you know, Trump's behavior, Trump's a pig, Trump's a reprobate. Look at these guys.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Backlogged

RUSH: A business guy is making a government agency more efficient, and the government agency hates it. This is classic, folks. This is the swamp and the deep state is deeply mad.

The Swamp Is Sabotaging You

RUSH: This is pure Trump sabotage what's going on — and, if it's Trump sabotage, it's you being sabotaged, you who voted for him. That's what ticks me off.

Email Question: Shouldn’t Trump Be Converting the Opposition?

RUSH: The email I got during the break about 25 minutes ago was, "Rush, if Trump were really good, he would have tamed some of this opposition by now. Many of these people would have seen the light by now. Many of these people would have realized they were wrong. If Trump really had the ability to unify some people, there'd be some sign of it."

How Liberalism Destroyed the NFL

RUSH: Ever since this concussion stuff hit and all that, you know as well as I do that the days of the NFL, as you and I knew it, were numbered. We don't know how many days remaining there are, but I think a lot of people realize that this game is winding down and slithering away faster than anybody thought it would. And now it's not just the brain business and the concussions. Now all this other stuff is happening.

WaPo Publishes Sexual Harassment Allegations Against Judge Moore

RUSH: I don't know if it's true; I don't have any idea. My first thought is with as many people that wanted to nail this guy for so many years, why haven't they found this until now? Or maybe they did and maybe they're waiting because the purpose here is to undermine Trump. And Trump supporters like Judge Moore. Don't forget. Trump didn't endorse him.

Insane Trump Haters Scream at the Sky

RUSH: The left is still as deranged as it’s ever been. I mean, if they’re winning so big, where’s the happiness? If they’re winning so big, where’s the joy? If they’re winning so big, where are the parties? Instead, look what’s happening to them.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Election Review: It’s Christmas Day for the Media

RUSH: Now, folks, you know me. I don't do phony optimism, and I don't try to cheer people up when it isn't warranted. I'm the mayor of Realville. But there are some things here that just have to be acknowledged…These are all the same people who told you he didn't have a prayer, he couldn't win, he wasn't gonna win, he deserved not to win, deserved to lose. Now they're back and telling you, trust us, don't doubt us, Trump lost last night. And Trump's gonna keep losing.

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