Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Blowing It
RUSH: Despite the anti-Trump Republican establishment, the Democrats are in heap big trouble and they do know it.
RUSH: Despite the anti-Trump Republican establishment, the Democrats are in heap big trouble and they do know it.
CALLER: I could recommend to grownups to read these beautiful children's books you made. As an artist I have to compliment the way the book was created and put together.
RUSH: In every one of these instances, who is the kill agent? Who is the kill agent in the media? The media is the kill agent in the NFL, not the owners. The media is leading this charge.
RUSH: How many times have you heard since General Kelly was named the chief of staff that Kelly was going to tighten down this ship? Kelly was going to enforce all kinds of discipline?
RUSH: Well, how are the SEALs going to achieve diversity? I think there's an easy way.
RUSH: Did you know there were experts at eclipse mapping? There are.
RUSH: Essentially, what Nic Robertson is saying is: "The United States cannot be trusted."
RUSH: What is grating on Senator McCain is candidate Trump suggesting that he has no respect for military people who get captured. He respects military men who evade capture. Of course, McCain was captured. That was a direct hit at McCain. I don't think McCain will ever get over that.
RUSH: When you think of days of the week, do you associate a color with each day like I do? I don't know where I got that. It doesn't mean anything. Like Monday is always like a black or dark brown to me. Tuesday is green. Wednesday is gray. Thursday is, like, a purple. Friday is yellow. Saturday is red. And Sunday is white. I mean, for some reason I associate colors with days of the week.
RUSH: Google is in the process — and they’re not even aware of it — of demonstrating, they are illustrating by virtue of their actions and memos that the CEO was writing, they are demonstrating that they are actually the opposite of what they claim when they claim they’re for openness and diversity and safety. It’s just the exact opposite.
RUSH: There's a fascinating piece here by F.H. Buckley. F.H. Buckley is a professor at the Scalia Law School at George Mason University.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media has spent more time criticizing and trashing and questioning the fitness for office of Donald Trump than they have the pot-bellied, ludicrous, weird haircut dictator of North Korea. Just think about that, just pause for a moment.
RUSH: He’s a great writer. He was in the political office in the Reagan administration, back in the ’80s… One of the most decent human beings you’ll run into.
RUSH: They played that sound bite on Fox, which means the president saw it because he watches that show. So if he starts talking about zits on pigs, then we'll know.
RUSH: The upshot is they don't believe Trump and the Russians colluded on anything. These are leftists, people who vote for Hillary, vote for Crazy Bernie. They've concluded, they went out and hired four different forensic analysts from various organizations. They've been forensically analyzing all of this. The Nation has concluded that there wasn't even a hack of the Democrat National Committee computer network, the servers. There was no hack. It was a leak.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.