Conservative Cabinet Picks Pose Problems for the Never Trumpers Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Let me answer the question. ‘Cause it’s an interesting question, the email...
Mom Battles Liberalism on Kids’ TV Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Watertown, New York. This is Mindy. Mindy is one of my all-time top ten...
Doris Kearns Goodwin Is Still Struggling to Comprehend Trump Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Let’s go audio sound bite route because I have teased a couple times that we’ve got Doris...
Caller: People Listen, But Don’t Hear Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Michael in New York City. Welcome. Great to have you with us, sir. Hi....
Don’t Take Him Literally! Trump’s Just Saying He’s Disgusted by Flag Burning Nov 29, 2016RUSH: It’s Kathryn in Austin. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network. ...
Poll: Your Host Influenced Christian Voters the Most This Election Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Interesting story in the Washington Times: “If there’s one pundit responsible for...
Follow the Money to Figure Out Why the Clintons Are Encouraging the Recount Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Now Trump’s out there and he’s saying that millions of illegals voted. And, by the...
Is Trump Toying with Romney? Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Trump’s having dinner with Romney. Two things about this. We have found out now...
AT&T, DTV and Net Neutrality Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Are you all aware that AT&T, which just bought Time Warner — it hasn’t been...
Where’s the Outrage? White Cop Kills Black Man Armed Only with Knife Nov 29, 2016RUSH: Yeah, I have to admit I’m a little confused today, folks. I normally am not...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Nov 29, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Hannity, Limbaugh motivated Christian voting bloc • House Dems brace...
Quick Hits Page Nov 29, 2016Tom Price Is a Great Choice to Dismantle Obamacare RUSH: GOP expected to defund Planned Parenthood...
Pearls of Wisdom Nov 29, 2016“I don’t know about you, folks. When I was growing up, I never expected to be able to afford...
Morning Update: Flyover Nov 29, 2016Obama’s Agriculture Secretary was deeply worried after Trump won the election. So he called Joe...