Medialash on Van Jones and Me Nov 10, 2016RUSH: Van Jones on election night said that what was happening was a whitelash. And I asked...
RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Calls the Show to Discuss the GOP’s Epic Victory Nov 10, 2016RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, normally we don’t do guests on the program. When the vice presidential...
What Really Happened Inside the Trump-Obama White House Meeting? Nov 10, 2016RUSH: I have a sound bite that I want you to hear here. I want you to listen to...
Axelrod and Obama Have Decided to Use Limbaugh Again Nov 10, 2016RUSH: David Axelrod. And get audio sound bite number 25 standing by. I was at home...
I’m Getting Nervous About All These Calls for Trump to Unify with the Losers Nov 10, 2016RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m getting nervous. I am already getting nervous. I know...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Nov 10, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Anti-Trump protests turn violent: Cops clash with 6,000-strong crowd in...
Pearls of Wisdom Nov 10, 2016“I want to take some time today to try to explain why I’m nervous and destroy some myths...
Morning Update: The Wedge Nov 10, 2016On Election night, as it became clear that Donald Trump had “found a pathway” to...