
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

The Roger Ailes I Know

RUSH: I’m sure that you are all aware of the sexual harassment lawsuit that’s been filed by...

BLM Is a Democrat Front Group

RUSH: Here’s Ileana from Miami.  Great to have you with us.  How are you? CALLER:  Oh, nice for...

Quick Hits Page

Was the FBI’s Hillary Decision Fixed?RUSH:  “FBI Agents Believe ‘Inside Deal’...

Pearls of Wisdom

“Hillary has spent a million dollars slamming Trump, and she has lost ground because of the...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Swing-state stunner: Trump has edge in key states • Clinton’s lead...

A Thankful Rush Revere Dad

RUSH: Bolingbrook, Illinois. Michael, you’re next.  It’s great to have you with us.  Hi. CALLER: ...

Rush’s Stack of Stuff

TOP OF THE STACK • Obama to Police: ‘I’m Your Best Hope’ • Detroit: Four Men...

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