Energizer Tweet Is the Essence of Trump May 18, 2016RUSH: But the point is Hillary’s flawed. Did you see she wants to put Bill in charge of the...
Tired Hillary Has a Crazy Bernie Problem May 18, 2016RUSH: You know, Hillary Clinton barely ekes out a win over Crazy Bernie. In Kentucky she beat...
I Met Some Great Kids Playing Golf May 18, 2016RUSH: Well, I tell you, folks, I am so glad that I do not play golf for a living. Man, oh, man. ...
Quick Hits Page May 18, 2016Great Piece on Narrative as News: Nothing Is Real RUSH: You know, it reminds me, Sunday, I guess,...
Pearls of Wisdom May 18, 2016“I am so glad that I do not play golf for a living. Man, oh, man.” “Hillary...
Morning Update: Face Facts May 18, 2016What happened in Vegas over the weekend has Democrat Party bosses nervous. Crazy Bernie supporters...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 18, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Dems’ new fear: Sanders revolt could upend Democratic convention •...
Guest Host Mark Steyn May 17, 2016“If Rick Perry jumped into the presidential race, one fantasy scenario says he would win...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 17, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Hillary Clinton keeps losing. So how come she’s winning? • 1996...
Guest Host Mark Steyn May 16, 2016“If you don’t like Trump because he isn’t conservative — and you want to have a voice...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 16, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Clarence Thomas tells graduates to simply be good citizens • Obama...
Memories of the Sacramento Days May 13, 2016 RUSH: Patrick in Sonora, California, I’m glad you waited, sir. You’re next on EIB...
The Clinton Crime Family Foundation Gave $2 Million to Bill’s Energizer Babe May 13, 2016RUSH: Michael in Cazenovia, New York. Great to have you on the program. Hello. CALLER: Thank...
Hillary Must Be Defeated May 13, 2016RUSH: We go back to the phones to Pittsburgh. This is Rob. It’s great to have you with us on the...
An 11-Year-Old Historian Says Thanks May 13, 2016RUSH: Rufus in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Rufus, great to have you on the Program. Hello....
Why Is Trump Reluctant to Release His Tax Returns? May 13, 2016RUSH: Donald Trump said that he’s not gonna release his tax returns to George Stephanopoulos or...
Another Judge Rules Another Part of Obamacare Unconstitutional — Again May 13, 2016RUSH: Obama lost a court case… Well, he lost a ruling in an ongoing court case over the...
Democrat Congressman Writes Tell-All May 13, 2016RUSH: Have you heard about this book written by Congressman X? “An anonymous congressman has...
Obama’s Transgender Obsession May 13, 2016RUSH: Could somebody explain to me why transgender people have become so important to Barack...
Trump Invades Washington May 13, 2016RUSH: The media reports on Trump and these meetings with various Republican congressional leaders,...