Pearls of Wisdom May 25, 2016“Your host, ladies and gentlemen — Rush Limbaugh — is trending at the top of the...
Morning Update: The Offensive Ad May 25, 2016A growing number of people just live to be offended. Most of them are liberals, which is why...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 25, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Mexican Flag-Waving Mob Attacks Police, Horses Outside Trump Rally •...
Albuquerque Awaits the Arrival of Trump May 24, 2016RUSH: We have a guy from Albuquerque on the phone. Jay, is there something going on with Trump...
Caller Displays Unique Imagination May 24, 2016RUSH: This is Don in Lake Alfred, Florida. Great to have you on the program. Hi. CALLER: Hi,...
Cokie Roberts: White Women Won’t Like the Way Trump Is Bullying Poor Hillary May 24, 2016RUSH: Speaking of the nineties playbook, ABC Good Morning America, co-host George Stephanopoulos,...
Bill Clinton Says Trump Brags Too Much About His Wealth? Really? May 24, 2016RUSH: This, folks… This is too rich. Bill Clinton was in “Stock-ton,”...
Sanders Soothes Nerves on The View May 24, 2016RUSH: You know, it’s beginning to dawn on a number of Bernie supporters that the end is near, and...
Crazy Bernie Is the Fly Buzzing Around the Democrats’ Ice Cream May 24, 2016RUSH: As I understand it, Crazy Bernie is asking for a recanvas of votes, which is just a review...
Salon Freaks Out May 24, 2016RUSH: Folks, I have two stories in that I have to share with you before the program...
Why Ken Starr Is Praising Bill Clinton May 24, 2016RUSH: This story I have here is gonna tick so many of you off. It’s from You want...
Cruzer: Trump Saved Us from Jeb May 24, 2016RUSH: This is Renee in Corpus Christi, Texas. Renee, you’re first today. Great to have you on...
Trump Starts Doing the Job the Media Won’t Do on the Clintons’ Tawdry Past May 24, 2016RUSH: So Trump has gone there. Trump has gone to all of this Clinton conspiracy stuff. And I got...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 24, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Bill Clinton tells voters to ‘just relax’ about Hillary’s chances...
Quick Hits Page May 24, 2016NJ Man Arrested for Using Mirror to Look Up Women’s Skirts RUSH: This is a story from...
Pearls of Wisdom May 24, 2016“I got nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Zilch, zero, nada. A lot of other people...
Morning Update: Messy May 24, 2016Hillary Clinton’s long march to the Democrat Party nomination in her Mao jacket, is wrapping...
Crazy Bernie’s War on Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz May 23, 2016RUSH: A couple here with Crazy Bernie, sound bites 11 and 12. Stephanopoulos hosted him on This...
Do Martyrs Get Virgins or Raisins? May 23, 2016RUSH: Fareed Zakaria GPS. On Fareed Zakaria’s Global Positioning Satellite show on CNN, he played...