Scott Walker Joins Trump and Cruz in Criticizing the GOP Establishment Aug 18, 2015RUSH: Audio sound bites. Let’s get back to them. Scott Walker this morning was in Brooklyn Center,...
Dems Won’t Let Bernie Go Third Party Aug 18, 2015RUSH: We go back to the phones to Los Osos, California. This is Don. Great to have you with us,...
Undercover Video Reveals the Real Hillary in Argument with Black Lives Matter Activist Aug 18, 2015RUSH: I mentioned the conclusion of the previous hour that Hillary Clinton has been caught on an...
Everything I Say Here Has a Purpose Aug 18, 2015RUSH: Here’s Adrian in Stockton, California. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network, Adrian....
Mrs. Clinton Becomes Bathroom Humor Aug 18, 2015RUSH: We have a UK Daily Mail “EXCLUSIVE: Hillary’s E-mail Firm Was Run From a Loft...
Trump Tweet Leads to Daylong Fox Discussion of Immigration and Your Host Aug 18, 2015RUSH: Well, the media world shocked yet again today, ladies and gentlemen, by the Trumpster....
The Positive Reaction to James Harrison’s Stance on Participation Trophies Proves PC Isn’t Popular Aug 18, 2015RUSH: James Harrison. I mentioned this at the very beginning of the program yesterday and I said...
Congratulations to EIB Caller Sally in MD, Whose Daughter Will Be One of Two Women to Graduate from Ranger School Aug 18, 2015RUSH: We had a phone call on this program back on June 4th. It was from a proud mother named...