Illegal Immigration Weakens America May 28, 2015RUSH: I was just reading some random notes here. You know, Ann Coulter has a new book coming out...
Do It All You Want, But Exercise Won’t Make You Lose Weight May 28, 2015RUSH: I’ve been referencing my use of the Apple Watch, and as is par for the course there are...
21-Year-Old Sees Opportunity Where the Republican Party Fears Success May 28, 2015RUSH: We’re gonna start with Nick in Chicago, and I appreciate your waiting. Great to have you...
Baltimore: A Tragedy of Liberalism May 28, 2015RUSH: By the way, I’ve got this stuff at the bottom of the Stack. All hell is breaking loose in...
How Can This Happen in San Francisco? May 28, 2015RUSH: Somebody needs to help me understand this. “Black Women in San Francisco Arrested Way...
They’re Worried Silly Over Mrs. Clinton May 28, 2015RUSH: Mrs. Clinton, much as I try to relegate Mrs. Clinton to the outer regions of this program,...
One Step Closer to Government-Run Health Care — And You Pay for All of It May 28, 2015RUSH: I told you, folks. You know, I hate to come here with this know-it-all attitude. I don’t...