Drive-Bys Uneasy About the Clintons May 5, 2015RUSH: You remember… Grab sound bite number seven. Yesterday on this program we played audio...
My Analysis of Marilyn Mosby’s Case May 5, 2015RUSH: Let me get to Marilyn Mosby here in just a second. I don’t want to jump the gun on this. By...
Liberals: Reading to Your Kids Gives Them an Unfair Advantage May 5, 2015RUSH: Let’s go to Australia. Here are these two stories. We’ll get to phone calls in the next...
Kofi Annan Wants You to Eat Bugs May 5, 2015RUSH: Try this. “Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan wants you to eat more...
How the Apple Watch is Working Out May 5, 2015RUSH: By the way, folks, speaking of the Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional...
Mrs. Clinton Flip-Flops on Amnesty May 5, 2015RUSH: Mrs. Clinton has come along and here’s the story on this. This is Chris Stirewalt at Fox...
Angry President Blames Slavery, Jim Crow for Baltimore Riots May 5, 2015RUSH: we’ve got Obama who is out there saying (summarized), “Hey, let me tell you something....
Everything I’ve Always Told You About Liberals Is Coming True May 5, 2015RUSH: Man, do we have some See, I Told You So’s today! Not just See, I Told You So’s, but some...