Why General Odom Is Just Plain Wrong Apr 30, 2004RUSH: I’m not being critical. I’m telling you I’m fatigued. I didn’t remember talking about it and...
Democrats “Dissatisfied” with Kerry Apr 29, 2004Now, can I ask you a question? Do you think this is something that CNN would come up with on its...
Kerry Campaign Like Chappaquiddick Apr 29, 2004And what is this we left Afghanistan unfinished? We should never have given Al-Qaeda precious time...
Waiter Schools Serious Manhattan Elitists Apr 29, 2004The waiter said, “‘I’m from the suburbs.'” [Rush repeating:] “I’m from the...
Cheney Didn’t Make Kerry Vote for Defense Cuts Apr 28, 2004Furthermore, what did Kerry do for the eight years of Bill Clinton when we needed to build up for...
Democrats Unhappy with John Kerry Apr 28, 2004I’ve been telling you that in the deep, dark secretive bowels of the Democratic Party —...
Mayday For Marriage Apr 27, 2004So the Hutch has rented Seattle’s Safeco Field, May 1st. He went out and rented the whole thing,...
Mayday For Marriage Apr 27, 2004So the Hutch has rented Seattle’s Safeco Field, May 1st. He went out and rented the whole thing,...
Jennings Gets Payback For Kerry Lie Apr 26, 2004He has said everything. He’s said, “Well, I didn’t throw mine away. I threw somebody...
The Problem for John Kerry Apr 26, 2004Point is that he’s just desperately trying to get noticed. He wants everybody to focus on his...
Pat Tillman Not Unique, They’re All Heroes Apr 23, 2004He was drafted 226 out of 241 players the year he was drafted. That’s near the end. He got the...
Goooood Mooooorning New Orleans! Apr 22, 2004Here’s the whole quote. [Kerry sing-song voice] “I, uh, I looooked out at the shoooreline,...
Flipper Heckles Kerry Apr 21, 2004Then there’s this from Reuters: “Democratic challenger John Kerry accused President Bush...
The Passionless of the Kerry Apr 21, 2004So, you know… I’m not going to apologize, but I didn’t mean to give the impression that...
Trying to Breath Life Into Lurch Apr 21, 2004Kerry voters are defecting to the undecided ranks. The poll also shows that Kerry has lost some...
Scrawny Over Brawny? Apr 20, 2004If you’re single out there, and therefore in the market no matter what you claim, I want you to...
Scrawny Over Brawny? Apr 20, 2004If you’re single out there, and therefore in the market no matter what you claim, I want you to...
Saudi Skewers Carter Malaise, Kerry Campaign Apr 20, 2004KERRY: If as Bob Woodward reports it is true, that gas supplies and prices in America are tied to...
Klein on Kerry: Plop, Plop No Fizz (Oh What a Dryball He Is) Apr 19, 2004Klein: “There is an odd confusion of style and philosophy here. Bush is bold to the buoyant...
Karen Hughes ? Ten Minutes From Normal Apr 15, 2004HUGHES: Rush, let me concede right from the start, you are the expert. And I tell you, I am so...