Rush Feared Dems Would Find a Way to Forgive Student Loans
TODD: You have Democrats preparing a $1.3 billion so-called loan forgiveness for people who went to college and took out debt.
Rush Explains the Resentment That Pushes the Deep State to Pursue Trump
TODD: Rush Limbaugh told us this would be the case.
Rush’s Severe Understanding of Mitt Romney
RUSH: Romney's one of these RINOs, a mainstream Republican who's almost afraid to be a Republican.
Brutal Carjacking Reminds Us of Rush’s Epic TV Show: America Has Lost Its Soul
TODD: Now, people who pretended to know what Rush's show was about but didn't listen. They had no idea how deep into topics like this Rush went on a daily basis.
Rush Sounds the Alarm: Don’t Count on Backlash Against Democrats in 2022
TODD: On one of the final shows Rush did for us, he was still knocking it out of the park with his analysis of the Democrats' lust to totally control us and how successful they are.
Rush Remembers Reagan’s 1983 NRA Speech
TODD: Rush loved Ronald Reagan. He spoke of Ronald Reagan's brilliant embrace of the right to self-defense at the 1983 NRA convention.