Rush 24/7 Morning Update: MTA Help
RUSH: Northeast liberals have spent every wakin' moment for the last four years trashing Trump, and now they come in, hat-in-hand, begging for billions to save the city they are destroying?
RUSH: Northeast liberals have spent every wakin' moment for the last four years trashing Trump, and now they come in, hat-in-hand, begging for billions to save the city they are destroying?
RUSH: The convention is just like Biden's campaign, they're phoning it in. They literally looked like they were phoning the thing in. They could have mailed it in, except Trump stole all the post office boxes, right?
RUSH: I have a pet peeve or a bugaboo about Michelle (My Belle) Obama, and I have noticed that a number of other Democrat women have the same speaking pattern.
RUSH: Now we've got an ongoing debate here at the EIB Network and the Rush Limbaugh program over what Michelle (My Belle) Obama does say.
RUSH: This is a new low even for Trump. I can’t defend him on this, folks. I’m sorry. Take a look at this picture.
RUSH: The question really is, what has happened to you? You know, you were against Trump as the governor of Ohio and you didn't influence anybody to vote against him.
RUSH: I think the Democrats are nervous as hell. It's why they've concocted this conspiracy about the post office so they'll have a built-in excuse to riot when they lose.
RUSH: This is why I'm able to, with great confidence, come to you every day here and tell you how they are misjudging the popularity of their own personalities and people and issues.
RUSH: There is a wonderful ad put together by an African-American woman running for Congress in Baltimore, and it features things that the Democrats don't want you to know.
RUSH: I saw this yesterday, and I about flipped a gourd because this is so predictable, and they've brought it on themselves.
RUSH: Folks, have you noticed that the stories reporting on these new massive numbers of cases have vanished?
RUSH: So the book, Live Free or Die, literally the premise is, if we lose this, then the America you and I know is gone.
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.